Jennys Solo Jazz part 1-3

A 3 part workshop that will help you improve your solo jazz and help you feel more comfortable to improvise during social dancing both individually, with others or with your dance partner! 

These 3 workshops are not about learning a routine or the ‘perfect/correct’ way of solo jazz dancing, these workshops are about learning to have fun with solo jazz and getting yourself more comfortable with experimenting and solo social dancing to swing music!

2/9 Workshop part 1 solo moves: learn a handful of different basic solo jazz moves to help build you solo jazz vocabulary. No previous experience required

23/9 Workshop part 2 solo improvisation and experimentation: we will build on the basic moves and learn to dance freely and expressively, you will learn tips and tricks to experiment and play around with the moves which can be applied to solo or partner dancing Requirements: basic solo moves experience and/or workshop 1

30/9 Workshop part 3 social solo jazz: learn to dance solo jazz socially, no need to be scared it’s super fun and this class will show you! Social solo dancing is also perfect for these weird pandemic times. Requirements workshop 1&2 or basic solo jazz experience


 Authentic Jazz is the solo dance of the swing family. With many different steps and routines it's a great way to gain body control, exercise and get your feet moving. A reward in it self and also mandatory for any Lindy Hopper that want to progress beyond the basics.


Planned occasions
1. v.35 Tors 2/9 19:00 - 19:50 (50m) Stenkulaskolan - Gymnastiksal 1
2. v.38 Tors 23/9 18:00 - 18:50 (50m) Stenkulaskolan - Gymnastiksal 1
3. v.39 Tors 30/9 18:00 - 18:50 (50m) Stenkulaskolan - Gymnastiksal 1


Stenkulaskolan, Östra Farmvägen 30, 21441 Malmö

City: Malmö

Where: Gymnastiksal 1, Stenkulaskolan

When: Tors 19.00-18.50

Start: 2021-09-02 (1188 dagar sedan)

Occasions: 3

Level: Från Beginner till Intermediate - intermediate-advanced

Instructors: Jenny Gustavson

Price: 150 kr

Organizer: HepTown

Membership: Required

21 anmälda till 26 platser

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