Collegiate shag beginner’s weekend 4-5/11

Dance like the college kids of the 1930’s with this elegant and goofy dance! 

Collegiate shag is an African American vernacular dance from the 1930’s and 1940’s, and danced primarily to uptempo swing jazz music. While shag was danced all across the US, it is believed to have originated in the Carolinas in the 1920’s. Shag can be goofy and fun, or elegant and stylistic. Shag is for everyone, not just athletes! 

In this beginner’s weekend you will learn the fundamentals of Collegiate shag. You will learn several basic rhythms, footwork variations, and turns, as well as the main positions and techniques for connecting with your partner. After this class, you will be able to dance socially and build on your knowledge in other classes. 

Till våra kurser kommer deltagare ensamma, i par eller med ett gäng vänner. Om du anmäler dig i ett par (förare + följare) är ni garanterade plats så länge kursen inte är fulltecknad. På kursen roterar vi med jämna mellanrum och byter danspartner.

Check out these clips:


  • När: Lördag  & Söndag kl 11-16 
  • Fest salen, Ungdomens Hus, Norra skolgatan 10B, Malmö. 
  • Krav: INGA (men ta med inomhusskor och lunch)
  • Kostnad: 390-650 kr (se nedan för specifikation)
  • Normalpriset är 650kr
  • Ungdomar upp till 26 samt studenter får 40% rabatt på kurspriset som då landar på endast 390kr
    Ungdomsrabatt apliceras automatiskt på alla som är 26år och under. För studentrabatt för 27år och uppåt använd bokningskod STU. 
  • Praktisk information

Observera att ALLA dina anmälningar är bindande så meddela oss snarast möjligt om du fått förhinder eller blivit sjuk så får du erlagd kursavgift tillgodo för senare kurs. Se villkor nedan för detaljer!

Se alla Lindy Hop Nybörjarhelger

Dance like the college kids of the 1930’s with this elegant and goofy dance! 

Collegiate shag is an African American vernacular dance from the 1930’s and 1940’s, and danced primarily to uptempo swing jazz music. While shag was danced all across the US, it is believed to have originated in the Carolinas in the 1920’s. Shag can be goofy and fun, or elegant and stylistic. Shag is for everyone, not just athletes! 

In this beginner’s weekend you will learn the fundamentals of Collegiate shag. You will learn several basic rhythms, footwork variations, and turns, as well as the main positions and techniques for connecting with your partner. After this class, you will be able to dance socially and build on your knowledge in other classes. 

Check out these clips:

Many people attend our classes alone, with a partner, or with a group of friends. If you register as a pair (as follower and leader) you are guaranteed a spot in the class so long as the class is not already full. We rotate and change dance partners in all classes, regardless of how you registered, so that everyone can learn the dance and how to dance socially with others.

When and Where


Between 390-650 SEK. The course is open to everyone. Additionally, this particular course also has extra youth and student discounts.

  • Price: 390-650 SEK
  • Youth (26 years old and under) and students get 40% discount (you pay only 390 SEK) with code STU.
    • Youth discount is applied automatically for 26 years and below.
    • To get Student discount for 27 years and above use booking code STU. 

Good to know

  • Requirements: NONE.
  • But, please bring:
    • flat indoor shoes 
    • some lunch
    • an extra shirt/clothes can also help you stay fresh throughout the day.
    • a water bottle!
  • No outdoor shoes, especially shoes with black soles that leave marks on the floor.
  • Read more here: Getting ready for your Lindy Hop weekend

Please note that ALL your applications are binding! Please notify us as soon as possible if you have been prevented or become ill and you will then get your course fee as a credit to be used for a later course.

See all beginnes' Lindy Hop weekends

Planned occasions
1. v.44 Lör 4/11 11:00 - 16:00 (5t) Ungdomens hus - Festsalen
2. v.44 Sön 5/11 11:00 - 16:00 (5t) Ungdomens hus - Festsalen


Ungdomens hus, Norra Skolgatan 10B, 21152 Malmö

City: Malmö

Where: Festsalen, Ungdomens hus

When: Lör & sön 11-16

Start: 2023-11-04 (307 dagar sedan)

Occasions: 2

Level: Från Beginner

Instructors: Niomi McSorley, Sofie Skaneby

Price: 650 kr

Organizer: HepTown

15 förare och 15 följare anmälda till totalt 40 platser

HepTown 769605-8366, 070-567 52 92

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