Blues dance intensive for beginners
Welcome to a Saturday full of blues!
The day will start at 13:30 with an intensive blues workshop. The workshop is suitable for anyone who is new to blues, but has some previous dance experience from other styles. We intend to keep a fast pace and go through a lot of material!
Blues is a family of african-american dances with varied rhythms, speeds and expresssion, and can be danced both partnered and solo. Most of them are danced primarily in closed embrace and are very focused on the connection between the dancers, while leaving plenty of room for individual expression and creativity. We will go through several styles during the workshop so expect to use both your brain and your body!
During these classes we will follow the ELEF format - everybody leads, everybody follows, meaning you will learn both roles. As a bonus there are never any empty spots in the rotation. ;)
13:30-18:30 workshops
There will be a longer break with lighter snacks in the middle and shorter water breaks during the workshops.
400 SEK for members of Swedish Swing Society
500 SEK for non-members
If you want to become a member, follow the link below. Membership is 300 SEK per year.
Adall Skoglund
Nikola Liptakova Vallmostrand
Robert Ventura
Swedish Swing Society, Odengatan 89, 11322 Stockholm
City: Stockholm
Where: Stora Salen
When: Lör 13.30-18.30
Start: 2024-08-17 (173 dagar sedan)
Level: Från Nybörjare
Instructors: Adall Skoglund, Nikola Ellinor Liptakova
Price: 500 kr
Organizer: Swedish Swing Society Stockholm
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