U May Swing 2025 Blue

U May Swing 2025 - Level Blå/Blue
Registration opens January 4th at 12:00.

Regitration lottery:: Everyone who signs up during January 4th will have an equal chance of being accepted to the workshop. Those who we cannot accept immediately will be assigned a random number in the waiting list. Anyone signing up after January 4th will be accepted/placed on the waiting list in the regular manner

Notice! Your registration is binding. That means that you are normally charged full registration fee if you un-register after being admitted.
The price includes classes, all taster classes and entrances to all dances

  • BLUE: At this point you have danced regularly for several years and have probably been attending several different dance events. You adapt your dance to the music, vary your footwork, dance at higher tempos and add styling and variations to your dance. At this level basic figures, such as swing outs, feel effortless even at higher tempos. This is a level that you can stick around on for a while.


City: Umeå

Where: Umeå Folkets Hus

When: Fre 18.00

Start: 2025-05-30 (om 136 dagar)

Level: Från Medelavancerad

Price: 1900 kr

Organizer: Swingum

Direct registration until wed. 28/5

Org.nr: 802437-7692

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