Scandinavinan Open WCS 2023

Scandinavian Open WCS 2023

Featuring our amazing PRO Staff

  • Benji Schwimmer
  • Ben Morris & Victoria Henk
  • Maxence Martin & Virginie Grondin
  • Thibault & Nicole Ramirez
  • Maxime & Torri Zzaoui


  • Please give us a few days to process your registration.
  • For couple registrations - make only ONE registration per couple.
  • Of course you can also register without a partner. For single applicants we will accept your application as soon as someone with the opposite dance role has registered. Until then you will be put on a waiting list. 

Fullpass includes:

  • 3 social dance parties (Friday- Sunday)
  • Friday - Sunday’s Workshops
  • Possibility to compete J&J and Strictly (separate fee will apply depending on competition)


  • 1850 sek (Lightning  Bird) - First 100 sold passes
  • 2050 sek (Early  Bird) - Next 150 sold passes
  • 2250 sek (Normal  Bird) - Until sold out

Please note: when registering you will see the maximum price without any discounts. Later when you are accepted you will get your potential discounts.

Workshop Levels:

  • Level 1-2 - Newcomer
  • Level 3 - Novice 
  • Level 4 - Intermediate (This level requires 16 novice points or more in WSDC)
  • Level 5 - Advanced / All-Star (This level requires 30 intermediate points or more in WSDC)
  • Level 6 - All-Star (at least 1 All-star or champion  point)

*You have the possibility to audition for level 4 and 5 if you do not have the WSDC requirements.

Terms for booking:
Snow on FB:

Please note!
- Registration for the event is binding 14 days after you have been accepted to the event. After this you are liable for payment. 
- You have the possibility to cancel your booking within 14 days after you have been accepted. You are responsible to contact us at to cancel your registration.

Planned occasions
1. v.43 Tors 26/10 21:00 - 30/10 20:00 (4d)
2. v.44 Tors 2/11 11:00 - 6/11 11:00 (4d)

City: Stockholm, Sweden

When: 2-5 November

Start: 2023-11-02 (267 dagar sedan)

Organizer: WannaDance

Plats finns

WannaDance 559150-7834, 070-727 18 56

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