Scandinavinan Open WCS 2023 - Party Pass

Scandinavian Open WCS 2023 - Party Pass

Featuring our amazing PRO Staff

  • Benji Schwimmer
  • Ben Morris & Victoria Henk
  • Maxence Martin & Virginie Grondin
  • Thibault & Nicole Ramirez
  • Maxime & Torri Zzaoui


  • Limited spots available
  • For couple registrations - make only ONE registration per couple.
  • Of course you can also register without a partner. For single applicants we will accept your application as soon as someone with the opposite dance role has registered. Until then you will be put on a waiting list. 

Party pass includes:

  • 3 social dance parties (Friday- Sunday)
  • Possibility to compete J&J and Strictly (separate fee will apply depending on competition)


  • 1500 sek Until sold out

Terms for booking:
Snow on FB:

Planned occasions
1. v.44 Tors 2/11 11:00 - 6/11 11:00 (4d)

City: Stockholm, Sweden

When: 2-5 November

Start: 2023-11-02 (267 dagar sedan)

Price: 1500 kr

Organizer: WannaDance

Plats finns

WannaDance 559150-7834, 070-727 18 56

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