Balboa Medelkurs (Nov)

This is the class for You who feel that You need even more Balboa.

You have taken one or two GK/FK before and feel ready to move on. You social dance regularly, and feel comfortable in the basic turns and with your own footwork.

In this class we will give you even more tools to be a better dancer. We will go through transitions between close and open embrace turns, use our own bodies to create and connect better with your partner and maybe give you some fun and cool moves to use on the social dancefloor.

The material will be adapted to the students in the class.

The class will be held in swedish or english.

Planned occasions
1. v.46 Ons 15/11 18:15 - 19:45 (1t, 30m) Forum - Lilla salen
2. v.47 Ons 22/11 18:15 - 19:45 (1t, 30m) Forum - Lilla salen
3. v.48 Ons 29/11 18:15 - 19:45 (1t, 30m) Forum - Lilla salen
4. v.49 Ons 6/12 18:15 - 19:45 (1t, 30m) Forum - Lilla salen
5. v.50 Ons 13/12 18:15 - 19:45 (1t, 30m) Forum - Lilla salen


Forum, Dr. Fries Torg 7, 41323 Göteborg

City: Göteborg

Where: Lilla Salen, Forum

When: Totalt 7.5 undervisningstimmar

Start: 2023-11-15 (254 dagar sedan)

Occasions: 5

Level: Från Medel

Instructors: Stina Johansson, Elias Olofsson

Price: 450 kr

Organizer: West Coast Jitterbugs

Membership: Required

West Coast Jitterbugs 857206-7075, 073-355 20 00

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