Minor Swing 2024 - level Linné

A cosy Balboa event in lovely Gothenburg in spring. International teachers, bands, DJ:s, socials and lots of hangouts and fika. Come and make new Balboa memories together with us.

Level Linné - There is some really cool stuff going on (Intermediate/Advanced)

You like learning new moves and adapting them to your own style. You know a wide variety of moves, and the faster it gets the more fun you have. You are working on making the dance your own and being able to be comfortable and elegant at the higher tempos or with a partner that is new to you.

Classes include 6 hours of quality lessons with Sanna Leinonen, Adam La Montagne, Gio Olla, Jennifer Lee, Mel Calanglang and Jo Calanglang.

Lottery to the Workshop: Spots will be distributed by a lottery at january 10:th. Registration for this is open one week, until 10pm january 9:th. After this date it is still possible to register late for available spots. If there are no free spots You will be put on a waiting list, and accepted if one becomes available.

City: Göteborg

Where: Forum, Doktor Fries Torg 7, Gothenburg

When: Fre 20.00 - sön 23.30

Start: 2024-05-17 (71 dagar sedan)

Price: 1950 kr

Organizer: West Coast Jitterbugs

West Coast Jitterbugs
Org.nr: 857206-7075
kurs@wcj.se, 073-355 20 00

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