Balboa Medelavancerad Kurs

This course will be divided between several of the WCJ Balboa teachers, who each will aim to challenge Your dancing. The classes will touch on a variety of concepts depending on who is teaching, and together we will strive to take Your dancing to the next level!

If You have taken Balboa M at least twice (or similar amount of classes at weekend dance events), social dance regularly, and are ready for a challenge, this is the course for You! We are not going to go through basic steps or structure, but instead go deeper and look at how we can develop further as dancers and dance partners. We assume that You have good body awareness in Yourself as well as with a partner, are able to change Your movements accordingly, and that You understand the building up of momentum.

Språk: Kursen ges på English or svenska, depending on which couple is teaching

Planned occasions
1. v.08 Tors 22/2 18:15 - 19:45 (1t, 30m) Forum - Lilla salen
2. v.09 Tors 29/2 18:15 - 19:45 (1t, 30m) Forum - Lilla salen
3. v.10 Tors 7/3 18:15 - 19:45 (1t, 30m) Forum - Lilla salen
4. v.13 Tors 28/3 18:15 - 19:45 (1t, 30m) Forum - Lilla salen
5. v.16 Ons 17/4 20:00 - 21:30 (1t, 30m) Forum - Lilla salen


Forum, Dr. Fries Torg 7, 41323 Göteborg

City: Göteborg

Where: Lilla Salen, Forum

When: Totalt 7.5 undervisningstimmar

Start: 2024-02-22 (155 dagar sedan)

Occasions: 5

Level: Från Medelavancerad

Instructors: Marta Pindych, Elias Olofsson, Kristin Ladström, Liam Craddock, Stina Johansson, Sebastian Bengtsson, Oskar Hägg

Price: 490 kr

Organizer: West Coast Jitterbugs

Membership: Required

West Coast Jitterbugs 857206-7075, 073-355 20 00

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