Balboa Medelavancerad Kurs

In this class we will focus on Old Timers moves.

The “Old Timers” as we call the balboa dancers who danced back then in the old days had some really cool signature moves. They also danced a lot of PureBal and played around with rhythms and foot variations. In this class we will go through a few of the signature dancing from our balboa history.

The class is MA level as you need to know your basic balboa well to adapt to this class.

Kursen ges på: English, swedish


Planned occasions
1. v.49 Lör 7/12 11:00 - 15:00 (4t) Forum - Lilla salen


Forum, Dr. Fries Torg 7, 41323 Göteborg

Kotipaikka: Göteborg

Missä: Lilla Salen, Forum

Milloin: Totalt 3 undervisningstimmar

Startti/alku: 2024-12-07 (om 11 dagar)

Level: Från Medelavancerad

Johtaja: Stina Johansson, Elias Olofsson

Maksu: 195 kr

Järjestäjä: West Coast Jitterbugs

Jäsenyys: Pakollinen

Jälkeenpäin ilmoittautuminen siihen asti kun / asti? thu. 5/12

West Coast Jitterbugs 857206-7075, 073-355 20 00

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