Authentic Jazz Weekend Level D - Dawn Hampton
Level D as in "Dawn Hampton"
The Dawn level is for dancers who have danced solo jazz for many years and very likely also taught it. You have choreographed routines, performed, maybe competed, and/or been to many solo jazz workshops, most probably some of them outside WCJ.
You are always looking for new dance challenges and enjoy working on small technical details. You can imagine working with improvisation in front of a whole class. You will only have external teachers.
facts about…
Dawn was an American cabaret and jazz singer, saxophonist, dancer and songwriter. She was one of twelve children born and raised in a traveling carnival. Her career started at the age of three in the family band. When Dawn moved to New York City in 1958, she began her solo career, including work in off-Broadway theater performances and swing dancing in Hollywood films.
Dawn continued to perform as a dancer and teacher during the renewed interest in swing dancing during the 2000s and traveled worldwide to share her spirit. “To dance, you need to feel the beat”. Dawn passed away in 2016, and many of us met her during her stays at Herräng Dance Camp, where she visited for many years until the last years of her life. The light is on!
Dawn Hampton.
Schedule TBA. Party Night at saturday evening is included in the registration fee!
Conditions from West Coast Jitterbugs regarding Authentic Jazz Weekend Level D - Dawn Hampton
Om du blir antagen kommer du att bli underrättad om det via e-post. Där finns även betalinstruktioner. För återbetalning av kursavgift efter sista betalningsdag krävs läkarintyg.
Svara på antagningsbeskedet eller bokningsbekräftelsen för att stryka din anmälan. Underlåtelse att betala deltagaravgiften räknas inte som en avanmälan, men kan ligga till grund för att din bokning stryks av arrangören.
If you are accepted to the activity, you will receive an e-mail, including all payment details. There is no refund when cancelling your registration after due date of payment. Only exception is in case of illness, in which case we require a doctor’s note.
To unregister to the event before the due date of payment, reply to your acceptance letter as soon as possible. Neglecting to pay the fee does not count as an unregistration, and we will still be expecting your payment. If full payment is not received before the due date of payment, the organizer may cancel your registration.
CogWork user agreement
User agreement and personal data policy
The booking service is provided by CogWork AB. It provides event booking
for participants and allows them to keep track of their information.
Companies and organizations can handle events, bookings, memberships, payments,
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Planned occasions
1. |
v.07 |
Fre 14/2 |
18:00 - 16/2 20:00 |
(2d, 2t) |
City: Göteborg
Where: Forum, Doktor Fries Torg 7, Gothenburg
When: Totalt 6 undervisningstimmar
Start: 2025-02-14 (om 94 dagar)
Level: Från Medelavancerad - Avancerad
Instructors: Thanh Thanh Nguyen, Ana Strandberg och Demba Niang
Price: 1190 kr
Organizer: West Coast Jitterbugs
Direct registration until sun. 9/2