If you are accepted to the activity, you will receive an e-mail including all payment details. There is no refund when cancelling your registration after due date of payment. Only exception is in case of illness, in which case we require a doctor’s note.
To unregister to the event before the due date of payment, reply to your acceptance letter as soon as possible. Neglecting to pay the fee does not count as an unregistration, and we will still be expecting your payment. If full payment is not received before the due date of payment, the organizer may cancel your registration.
It is possible to sell or transfer your tickets. However, it must be within the same roles and class levels (if applicable). If you decided to do so, please email us at
We reserve the right to substitute teachers, bands, DJs, and alter the schedule under unforeseen circumstances.
We are not responsible for any accident, injury nor damaged or loss of personal properties.
Photos and video material
By registering for Minor Swing, you agree to be photographed and recorded in videos. However, if you do not want your photos and videos to be shared and used on social media and for our own marketing purposes, please email a picture of yourself to us at
Code of Conduct
There is room for everyone on the dance floor
Minor Swing is a non-partisan and non-religious association that welcomes all dancers and music lovers regardless of gender, gender identity or gender expression, ethnic affiliation, religion or other belief, functional variation, sexual orientation and age.
Be welcoming
We all have a shared responsibility to create an open and welcoming atmosphere. Feel free to contribute by saying hi to people in the foyer or asking someone to dance who you've never danced with before.
Respect personal boundaries
We respect each other's boundaries both on and off the dance floor. Check with your dance partner before, for example, dancing in close embrace or doing a dip.
Seek approval for each dance
If you want to dance a second dance, ask, "Shall we have another?". Sometimes there's an expectation of two dances in a row, but you don't have to dance another if you don't want to.
If someone asks you for a dance (or a second dance) and you don't want to, respond with a friendly "no, thank you".
Be okay with a no
There may be many reasons why a person doesn't want to dance at a particular time. Be okay if a person declines when you ask for a dance. You can always ask again another time.
Dance safely
Avoid air steps, lifts, or big jumps on the social dance floor - save those for jam circles or competitions where you have agreed to it beforehand and have space. It's always okay to stop a dance if you feel uncomfortable or in pain.
Dance with good hygiene
When we dance, we are very close to each other, so please be mindful of good hygiene.
Bring changes of clothes if you sweat a lot, use hand sanitizer between dances, and stay home if you feel sick.
If something happens
If you feel uncomfortable about a person or situation at Minor Swing, please contact an organiser or volunteer. You can also contact the WCJ support team:
They are there to provide support in difficult situations, and no question is too small! WCJ also has a plan of action against sexual harassment.