Minor Swing 2019 - level Majorna

Level Majorna

You want to learn more moves and variations. Dancing and mixing up fundamentals is fun and effortless at lower tempos. At the higher tempos you feel safer sticking to your basics but of course you risk it and throw in the cooler moves every now and again – and hey there’s no wrong there’s only variations, right? You know Balboa is the thing, and you are ready to continue your learning experience.

Payment will be accepted via Swedish Bankgiro or via the "Bankgiro" option in TransferWise. Do not pay the fee until you receive the confirmation letter, where payment instructions are provided.


Please change language to English by using the flags in the top right corner (even if you understand Swedish).

This will give you confirmation e-mails in English and international payment instructions.

The registration system that West Coast Jitterbugs uses is not as reliable as we would like at accommodating different languages. Sometimes this system fails. Please notify us if this happens to you and we will provide you the information you need.


Forum, Dr. Fries Torg 7, 41323 Göteborg

City: Göteborg

Where: Forum, Doktor Fries Torg 7, Gothenburg

When: Fre 20.00 - mån 00.00

Start: 2019-05-24 (1891 dagar sedan)

Price: 1600 kr

Organizer: West Coast Jitterbugs

West Coast Jitterbugs
Org.nr: 857206-7075
kurs@wcj.se, 073-355 20 00

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