Conditions from West Coast Jitterbugs regarding Competition and/or Solo Jazz classes (members)
Om du blir antagen kommer du att bli underrättad om det via e-post. Där finns även betalinstruktioner. För återbetalning av kursavgift efter sista betalningsdag krävs läkarintyg.
Svara på antagningsbeskedet eller bokningsbekräftelsen för att stryka din anmälan. Underlåtelse att betala deltagaravgiften räknas inte som en avanmälan, men kan ligga till grund för att din bokning stryks av arrangören.
If you are accepted to the activity, you will receive an e-mail, including all payment details. There is no refund when cancelling your registration after due date of payment. Only exception is in case of illness, in which case we require a doctor’s note.
To unregister to the event before the due date of payment, reply to your acceptance letter as soon as possible. Neglecting to pay the fee does not count as an unregistration, and we will still be expecting your payment. If full payment is not received before the due date of payment, the organizer may cancel your registration.